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“A magical journey, the only way to experience the sacred in Peru and Bolivia.”

Mona Wasfy – USA

“A deep thank you from my heart to yours. You kept us safe, gave us an incredible itinerary and I could really feel the heart in your offering.
A journey of discovery. A colourful experience for the mind, body & soul to undertake. Time in sacred spaces with like minded people to pause, pay respect and honor the knowledge of the ancients and nature. Peru has an incredibly diverse landscape and rich knowledge to offer with the Shamanka Trail
showcases beautifully. From wild waterfalls, sacred temples, awe inspiring mountains to magical hot springs, the tour offers so much. Maria’s passion for bringing people together in an intentional way in sacred spaces shines through. I felt safe, comfortable and excited by each day’s events. Spending 2 weeks with like minded souls that know the value of being in nature and healing was very uplifting. The food was delicious (vegetarian cuisine was easy). Everyday was a true gift!”

Sarah King, Yoga Teacher, Kent

“The Shamanka trail was an epic journey in more ways than one. I learnt so much about myself,spiritually and personally and I discovered a beautiful country called Peru. I was slightly  apprehensive about leaving my creature comforts behind in London and joining a tour with people I didn’t know very well. However I soon felt very welcome and found so much connection in the country, the landscape, the people and the food! The Apus mountains and the kindness of Maria and her team will forever stay with me. Peru is a truly magical place”

Nicola Young, Psychotherapist, London

“It was a life affirming journey and I am forever grateful for the opportunity. It has changed my lifefor the better. There are now defined boundaries that I can acknowledge and keep. I will no  longer put up with things that do not serve me, just because it is what is deemed as “life”, or “just how it has to be”. I also realise that my connection to Source is as stronger than ever and I am on the right path to accomplishing my life’s purpose.”

Amy Olsen, USA

“The Shamanka Trail was truly a magical journey through sacred sites of Peru and Bolivia with a sisterhood of spiritually evolving women. If you can do it – go!”

Elaine Harvey, USA

“A powerful immersion in Peruvian culture, from a shamanic perspective.”

Sorrell Robbins, Plant Medicine Woman, Margate, UK

“Having been to Peru before and in fact been as a tourist to almost every place on The Shamanka Trail, I can say the whole experience was stunning. Words cannot express my gratitude to you Maria & your team. I am looking forward to my return visit to Peru & through my experiences helping all I meet in their journey to enlightenment.”

Mo Usher, UK

“A unique and magical experience. The perfect way to visit Peru. Love, gratitude, warmth, togetherness and kindness. What more could you ask for? Maria really goes the extra mile to make sure you are looked after and kept in the loop each day. An out of this world opportunity to visit Peru, physically, emotionally and spiritually.”

Matthew Whitelock, Drama Guru, Reading, England

“When I signed up for the Shamanka tour, I instinctively felt the trip would be the start of important changes in my life – a new chapter so to say. The ‘energies’ in the many and beautiful sacred places we visited, the profound work with Andean Priests (and our tour guides) along with the everyday magic of the Peruvian people and their lifestyle, helped my world change. I visited amazing places, made friendships, learnt new healing techniques and had personal healings and revelations, all of which made the person returning from Peru very different to the one who left.”

Jenny Chapman, UK

“It was the most Amazing Spiritual Experience of my life, getting so close in contact with Mother Earth has totally changed my life for the better & I would recommend this Shamanka trail journey to everybody!!! I would to do it all again myself!!!! The Guides cared for us in an amazing way & made the whole time a very safe & carefree experience… The Locations are just out of this world, & the memories & Energy will stay with you for all of Eternity!!! Namaste to you all my special friends in South America, Never to be forgotten, Love & Light for Eternity 😉

Dinah Critchley, UK

“A great trip and an experience that you could not get from an ordinary organized visit to Peru/Bolivia, this trip opened my mind body and spirit to the country making the connection to mother earth and the energies surrounding the mountains, water, earth, and sky. The detail that Maria put into the tour was just amazing and the surprises along the way, like suddenly come across our lunch in a clearing in the forest with a local band and lovely home cooked food ready for us to eat, certainly an experience that you would not get anywhere else..”

Rowena Hillier, UK

“From the moment our trip began with Maria which included a group blessing and being presented with a beautiful quartz crystal, to the final day and the awe inspiring view of the sunrise over lake Titicaca, every moment of every day was filled with magic, mystery, friendship and laughter. The two week itinerary was jam packed and we visited so many special places but we were always given the time and opportunity to do what we needed wherever we were. What made my time in Peru so special was being amongst a culture that shows such deep gratitude, respect and love; these feelings are not just held amongst the wonderful Peruvian people but they were displayed throughout the entire trip by Maria and our guide, Giovanna. From many, many memorable moments, sending out our group prayer at the Sun temple at Machu Picchu and being given the opportunity of ‘flying like a condor’ in the Spirit Valley will stay in my heart forever. I truly hope that one day I will be able to return to such a magical place”

Fiona Vorley, UK

“A planned trip to Peru seemed a tad daunting … so I went with an open mind – neither “searching of seeking anything” – my intent was “to be open and except the experience for what it may bring”. Sometimes in life when you do something for the first time you may only ever do it that once. Well – I have made my first trip to Peru – and loved loved loved it. Attention to caring and detail afforded by Maria and her thoughtful band of helpers was unsurpassed. The personal touches were very emotional these memories will remain with me for a very long time. Every moment of my journey be it spiritual/emotional or shedding tears brought about with lots of belly rocking laughter within the group (of which there were many occasions ) were the very best of moments. Without a Maria I may never have made this trip to Peru … every moment was an experience and with a Maria I hope to make a second visit just to ensure that I didn’t miss anything the first time around.. believe me.. I didn’t! but it is my excuse to do something for a second time … as if it were my first – all over again. It has been the very best of life experiences – without a moment passing by …unnoticed …. To “be” was just the very best of places to “be” … in Peru. I have been blessed to have made this trip..”

Dorene Mc Neil, UK

ENGLISH: “This was one of the most emotive and deep journeys I’ve ever done in my life. Being with Peruvian locals, learning their traditions but mainly visiting all the sacred and energetic places which had a strong effect on me. I can say that I’m not the same person since I came back from Peru. Having this journey with Maria is definitely a life experience! I’ll go again!”
PORTUGUESE: “Esta foi uma das viagens mais emocionantes e profundas que fiz na vida. Contactar com os locais, aprender as suas tradições, mas, sobretudo, visitar todos os locais sagrados e de grande energia, tiveram um grande efeito em mim. Posso dizer que não sou a mesma pessoa desde que regressei do Peru. Fazer esta viagem com a Maria é, definitivamente, uma experiência de vida! Assim que puder, irei de novo!”

Sofia Frazoa, Lisboa, Portugal

“This is truly the trip of a lifetime! The Shamanka Trail is for anyone wishing to “experience” and not just see a special part of the world. Long after leaving Peru, you will absorb the beauty and grace it has to offer.”

Jacq Ruddock, UK

“I have just returned from the most amazing few weeks in my Life. To travel to Peru with so many wonderful women and experience this incredible country with its deep seated Spirituality was a such a Gift. We left as women and returned as ‘Daughters of the Jaguar Moon’…..Life altering and affirming”

Seersha O’Sullivan, UK

“The Shamanka Trail trip to Peru was un-missable. The organisation and care by Maria and her team of tour guides, Q’ero, and translators was unique. I cannot and would not be able to find fault in the care and love put into looking after us all. Many of the group had different physical needs, and these were considered and catered for with a humble service, naturally given. All the hotels were much better than I thought they were going to be – such a welcome after travelling long distances by coach and air. The energy and spirituality of Peru is so important at this time of change and shift in consciousness. The connection I felt at the sacred sites and the information downloaded to us as a group, our crystals, and personal experience was unexpectedly overwhelming. The energetic work in Peru will carry on here in the UK for the good of humankind. It was a life-enhancing trip, and I know I will be back with Maria and her team in the very near future.”

Angie Twydall, UK

“When I booked this journey I knew it was going to be the trip of a lifetime… But it was so much more. We were the first group that Maria had organised a trip for, and she did an amazing job. The accommodation was so much better than I thought it would be…..It was the little personal touches that I remember; Alberto’s painted ‘Shamanka Trail’ vase of flowers in our room, the goodie bag from Maria, the stone each of us were given from Lus… Thank you, thank you for enriching my life with the teachings from Peru!”

Ann Whittaker, UK

“A mind and heart expanding experience. Very enriching, inspiring and healing in many ways. Not without its challenges, but that all seemed to be appropriate in the context of commitment to personal spiritual growth. The land is deeply powerful, supportive and teaching to the heart and soul. Be open to this and you will benefit profoundly. Many thanks to Peru, the Peruvians and Maria for holding me through an initiatory, but beautiful experience. ”

Rosemary Taylor, UK

“An amazing and transformational experience. I was unprepared for the beauty of the landscape and the simple grace of the people. The places we visited evoked some very intense responses and I will remember those experiences for a long time. The energy of the group we travelled with was nurturing and empowering and the people who guided us each step of the way were incredibly supportive and knowledgeable. Thank you. I’m looking forward to the next trip and to visiting places we didn’t manage to get to this time.”

Janine Greaves, UK

“Having never travelled outside of Europe before I felt safe and well looked after, the Peruvian people are a joy to be with and this has been a truly magical experience with wonderful shamans, attentive guides and a well thought out itinerary. I would jump at the chance of visiting Peru again, especially with Maria and her helpers”.

Anna Minihane, UK